Helpshift’s Legacy SDKs (SDK Version <=7.x.x) will see end of life as of 31 Dec 2022 and end of support as of 31 March 2023.

Upgrading from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0

The Helpshift SDK v6.3.0 is a major update and we have deprecated some APIs. If you have questions or feedback, please Contact Us

Please replace all the old files with new files.

List of deprecated APIs

Deprecated API New API
[HelpshiftSupport log:(NSString *), ...>] [HelpshiftSupport addLog:(NSString *)]
[HelpshiftCampaigns getCountOfUnreadMessages] [HelpshiftCampaigns requestUnreadMessagesCount]

Add Logs

On SDK version 6.2.0 or below, the logs can be added using below code:

- (void) userUpdatedSomeSetting:(NSString *)settingName {
    [HelpshiftSupport log:@"User updated setting: %@", settingName];

On SDK version 6.3.0, a new api is introduced to add logs which is also Swift compatible

- (void) userUpdatedSomeSetting:(NSString *)settingName {
    NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"User updated setting: %@", settingName];
    [HelpshiftSupport addLog:message];