Getting Started

Automated Integration using Cocoapods

To start using Helpshift v2.4.1 in your project, add the following line to your Podfile.

pod 'HelpshiftMacOS', '2.4.1'

And run pod install or pod update to refresh your cocoapods dependencies.

You can now move on to Initializing Helpshift in your App.


Get the latest SDK zip

Download the latest zip for the Helpshift macOS SDK.

Download SDK v2.4.1

The zip file contains

Helpshift framework
A plist file containing skinning configuration to match the design of your app
A plist file containing skinning configuration to match the design of your app for Dark mode

Add the latest SDK release to your project

  • Unzip the downloaded file and add HelpshiftOSX.framework into your Xcode project.
  • In your target's General setting tab, make sure HelpshiftOSX.framework is shown under Embedded Binaries. If its not present, click the + button below and select the framework.
  • Add the HelpshiftConfig.plist and HelpshiftConfigDark.plist files into your project.

Helpshift is now ready to help you have conversations with your users! Head over to Initializing Helpshift in your App.


  • Xcode 10 and above.

Supported macOS versions

Helpshift SDK supports following versions of macOS :

  • 10.14
  • 10.13
  • 10.12
  • 10.11
  • 10.10

Start using Helpshift

Helpshift is now integrated in your app and ready to collect meaningful data about your users.

Initializing Helpshift in your app

Helpshift uniquely identifies each registered App using a combination of 3 tokens:

Your unique developer API Key
Domain Name
Your Helpshift domain name without any http: or slashes. E.g. happyapps if your account is
App ID
Your App's unique ID

You can find these tokens by navigating to Settings>SDK (for Developers) in your agent dashboard. Select your App and the correct platform from the dropdowns and copy the 3 tokens to be passed when initializing Helpshift. show me

Initialize Helpshift by calling the HelpshiftCore's install function:

  1. Initialize the HelpshiftCore with the Helpshift Support service.
  2. Call the HelpshiftCore's install function.

Currently helpshift only supports HelpshiftSupport as the available service on macOS.

#import <HelpshiftOSX/HelpshiftOSX.h>


- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification

    [HelpshiftCore initializeWithProvider:[HelpshiftSupport sharedInstance]];
    [HelpshiftCore installForApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY"

Placing the install call

The ideal place to insert Helpshift's install call is applicationDidFinishLaunching: method in your AppDelegate. However if this method is called after some custom initializations in your app and if you call some other Helpshift SDKs method in those initialization functions, this will cause the sequence of execution to be wrong and might cause unexpected runtime problems.

Support APIs

If you want to add support sections inside your app with Helpshift, you can use the HelpshiftSupport APIs.

For example:

[HelpshiftSupport showConversationWithOptions:nil];