String Customization

Customize all the strings in Helpshift SDK's user interface

Starting from version 2.0.0, Helpshift reads the default values of all the translations from HelpshiftLocalizable.strings file inside Resources folder in the framework.

You can customize the strings used in the Helpshift SDK by following the below steps.

  1. Locate Resources folder inside the framework. The access path for this bundle will be : HelpshiftOSX.framework/Resources.
  2. Select the lproj folder associated with the localization that you want to change the translations.
  3. Change translations of the relevant keys in the HelpshiftLocalizable.strings file inside the corresponding lproj folder.

Below is the description of the keys (in the HelpshiftLocalizable.strings file) for each of the customizable strings in the app:

Review request accepted
Automated message label shown in the conversation screen when the user has accepted a review request
Could you please attach a screenshot of the problem?
Message displayed when agent sends request to attach a screenshot
Button title for attaching a screenshot
Would you like to review the app on the Mac App Store?
Response message shown in the conversation screen when agent sends a review request from agent dashboard.
Button title for review request in conversation screen
Please check your internet connection
Message shown in alert upon attachment upload failure
Title of the buttons for sending message in new conversation and chat screen
Type a message...
Placeholder text of textview in chat screen
How happy were you with our customer support?
Conversation resolution question after agent resolves an issue
don't like it
Rating string if user selects two stars
hate it
Rating string if user selects one star
it's ok
Rating string if user selects three stars
it's good
Rating string if user selects four stars
it's great
Rating string if user selects five stars
Button title to skip typing feedback
results for
String used to list number of search results in FAQ search
Can't find what you are looking for?
Text that shows below search when no FAQs are found. This show up if enableContactUs option is set to NO show me
No results for
Title shown when no results are found in FAQ search.
Whoops! We couldn't find anything!
Message shown as bottom label when no results are found in FAQ search.
Need some help?
Static label on new conversation screen
Start by sending a message to our customer support
Static label on new conversation screen
Select a topic from left, or use search if you're looking for something specific.
Static message displayed in FAQ screen
One of the button titles while prompting user to resent a failed message
Message failed. Tap to retry.
Message shown in the chat screen when a message is failed to be sent
Rate our App
Title for the alertview for review reminder
If you love our app, please take a moment to rate it in the App Store
Message for the alertview for review reminder
Text for "Rate" button in review reminder alertview
Your message was not sent. Tap \"Try Again\" to send this message?
Message displayed in the alert view when user hits space bar after selecting a failed message on chat screen
Generic OK, applies to different alerts presented across the application
Please wait...
Generic Loading text to show progress while fetching FAQs
No Internet!
Title for the alertview that indicates absence of internet connection
No working Internet connection is found.
Message for the alertview that indicates absence of internet connection
Title text of tableview section header for FAQs in the main support screen
No faqs found in this section
Text for no faqs in section when FAQs list for a particular section is empty
Could not fetch faqs
Text for alertview that shows when FAQs list could not be fetched
We could not fetch the required data
Text for alertview that shows when SDK fails to fetch FAQs
Thanks for contacting us.
Text for alertview when customer is dropped back to app after starting a conversation show me
Your message has been received.
Text for alertview when customer is dropped back to conversation chat view after starting a conversation
Message send failure.
Title for alertview that shows when starting new conversation was not successful show me
Title for navigation bar for single faq screen
Generic back, applies to chatscreen back button on navigation bar and conversation start screen (in certain cases). This applies to an UIBarButtonItem and does not reflect the pointed back button that shows by default.
Generic Close, applies to close button in the navigation bar.
Text for the title of main support screen
Sorry to hear that. Could you please tell us a little bit more about the problem you are facing?
Automated agent reply that shows up in the messages screen when the user does not accept a solution
We're happy to help you!
Automated agent reply that shows up in the conversation screen when the user accepts a solution
Describe your problem
Placeholder text for FAQ search
Placeholder text for username in new conversation screen
Email (optional)
Placeholder text for email in new conversation screen (email is optional)
Email invalid
Title for alertview that shows up if the user entered an invalid email
Please provide a valid email address.
Message for alertview that shows up if the user entered an invalid email
Invalid Entry
Title for alertview that shows up if the user left description field blank or enters non-alphanumeric characters only. This is a slight attempt to prevent the user from entering gibberish
Please enter a brief description of the issue you are facing.
Message for alertview that shows up if the user left description field blank or enters non-alphanumeric characters only. This is a slight attempt to prevent the user from entering gibberish
Was this helpful?
Text that shows below every single faq to mark the faq as helpful or unhelpful. show me
You found this helpful.
Feedback text for mark helpful button in single faq screen. show me
You didn't find this helpful.
Feedback text for mark unhelpful button in single faq screen. show me
Your message was not sent. Tap "Try Again" to send this message?
Text for actionsheet which shows when user selects the red exclamation icon beside an unsent message to retry
Try Again
Title for the actionsheet button to try sending a message again. This action sheet shows when user selects the red exclamation icon beside an unsent message
Title for the actionsheet button to cancel the actionsheet. This action sheet shows when user selects the red exclamation icon beside an unsent message
Review button text for the conversation screen review widget to review app
Screenshot sent
Feedback text in the conversation screen indicating successful upload of a screenshot
Text for the button in conversation screen to allow changing the screenshot which the user has already selected to be sent.
Ok, attach
Text for the button in the screenshot widget that takes the user to the iPhone/iPad gallery to select a screenshot show me
Generic yes, applies to chatscreen widget and mark helpful button in single faq screen
Generic no, applies to chatscreen widget and mark unhelpful button in single faq screen
Generic send, applies to message screen reply button.
Screenshot could not be sent. Image is too large, try again with another image
Message for alertview that shows when the screenshot is too large
Name invalid
Title for alertview that shows when the user does not enter a name in the user/email entry screen
Please provide a name.
Message for alertview that shows when the user does not enter a name in the user/email entry screen
New message from Support
Title for a new in-app notification with one reply on a conversation
new messages from Support
Title for a new in-app notification with multiple replies on a conversation
No FAQs found
Text that shows below search when no FAQs are found for showFAQs: show me
Title of the conversation screen
Placeholder text for user's name in new conversation screen
Email (optional)
Placeholder text for user's email in new conversation screen
Placeholder text for user's email in new conversation screen only when email is required.
Sending your message...
Text for the progress hud that is shown when user starts a new conversation
Please check your network connection and try again.
Message for alertview that shows when starting new conversation was not successful
Contact button that tails search results and contact button in the navigation bar. When used in navigation bar, it is turned to camel case.
Text for new conversation button in the confirmation panel
New Conversation
Navbar title for reporting new conversation
How can we help?
Placeholder for problem description in new conversation screen
What else can we help you with?
Auto-response message when the solution is rejected by the user in a conversation show me
Any other feedback? (optional)
Placeholder for textview, for user feedback on customer service.
Thanks for messaging us!
Footer text for messages indicating issue resolution.
This conversation has ended.
Footer text for messages indicating end of conversation.
Did we answer all your questions?
Text shown for issue resolution dialog.
Title for navigation bar for image preview screen.
Questions that may already have your answer
Header for suggestions after new conversation when enhance ticket avoidance is enable.
Title for send button shown below suggestions when enhance ticket avoidance is enable.
Navigation item to dismiss single FAQ view after the user has finished reading the suggested FAQ.
Title for navigation bar for search results when enhance ticket avoidance is enable.
This message is no longer available
Placeholder message in campaign detail when attempting to view an expired campaign.
Select Stars
Text shown besides the star ratings when no rating has been selected.
Thanks for your feedback. For further assistance, start a new conversation.
Message shown after user has rated a conversation.
This conversation has ended. For further assistance, please start a new conversation.
Message shown after user has rated a conversation, closed the chat screen and then comes back to chat screen.