
Helpshift Web Chat currently supports 47 languages out-of-the-box (with English as the default).

Supported languages

Language Code
English en
German de
Spanish es
French fr
Italian it
Russian ru
Simplified-Chinese zh-Hans
Traditional-Chinese zh-Hant
Hong Kong-Chinese zh-HK
Hong Kong-Chinese (Traditional) zh-Hant-HK
Singapore-Chinese zh-SG
Singapore-Chinese (Traditional) zh-Hant-SG
Portuguese pt
Korean ko
Japanese ja
Turkish tr
Dutch nl
Czech cs
Hungarian hu
Indonesian id
Thai th
Slovenian sl
Vietnamese vi
Arabic ar
Polish pl
Norwegian no
Swedish sv
Finnish fi
Romanian ro
Greek el
Danish da
Malay ms
Hebrew iw
Slovak sk
Ukrainian uk
Catalan ca
Croatian hr
Bengali bn
Bulgarian bg
Gujarati gu
Hindi hi
Kannada kn
Latvian lv
Malayalam ml
Marathi mr
Punjabi pa
Persian fa
Tamil ta
Telugu te

Setting a Language

You can set the code of the language to be used by Web Chat in the helpshiftConfig object.

Example Embed Code

var PLATFORM_ID = "foo",
    DOMAIN = "bar";

window.helpshiftConfig = {
  platformId: PLATFORM_ID,
  domain: DOMAIN,
  // other options, if applicable
  // Set language to French ("fr")
  language: "de"

Alternatively, you can call the setLanguage API to set the language after the initialization code.

Helpshift ("setLanguage", "fr");

The preferred way to set the language is to use the helpshiftConfig object over the setLanguage API.

Here's a screenshot of how Web Chat will look after setting the language to French.

In order to ensure a smooth migration for existing users, the default language is set to English (en) i.e. if you don't set the language option in the helpshiftConfig object, Web Chat will use English as the language. You can set it to browserDefault in case you want your Web Chat widget experience to be in the browser's language.