Integrating Helpshift SDK for Android with your IntelliJ Project

Applicable to version 3.12.0 and below. Use Gradle for versions above 3.12.0.

Adding the latest stable release

To add the Helpshift SDK to your Android Application Project just unzip the zip file you have downloaded, and import it in IntelliJ :

  1. Select File > Import Module
  2. Select path to helpshift-android-sdk > OK.

    Importing Helpshift SDK in IntelliJ

Enable the flag for manifest merge

  1. Open the Project Structure dialog box by choosing File > Project Structure
  2. In the left-hand pane, choose Modules, then in the central pane click the Android facet under the application module
  3. In the right-hand pane, that shows the Android Facet Page, switch to the Packaging tab and select the Enable manifest merging check box. Click Apply > OK

    Enabling manifest merging flag

Import v4 support library

The Helpshift SDK depends on v4 support library which includes backward compatibility support for many features including application components, user interface features, accessibility, data handling, network connectivity, and programming utilities. So import the v4 support library in IntelliJ :

  1. Open the Project Structure dialog box by choosing File > Project Structure
  2. In the left-hand pane, choose Modules,then in the central pane click on your project
  3. In the right-hand pane, select Dependencies Tab. Then click on "+" icon and add android-support-v4.jar as jars and click OK

    Importing v4 support library in IntelliJ

Add reference of the Helpshift SDK

To add reference to Helpshift SDK in your project:

  1. Open the Project Structure dialog box by choosing File > Project Structure .
  2. In the left-hand pane, choose Modules,then in the central pane click on your project
  3. In the right-hand pane, select Dependencies Tab. Then click on "+" icon and add helpshift-sdk-android as module dependency & Helpshift.jar as Library

    Adding reference of Helpshift SDK

Your IntelliJ project is now integrated with Helpshift SDK for Android.

Proceed further with initializing helpshift SDK in your app.